Practical Tips to Boost Coverage and Engagement

Public relations professionals currently outnumber reporters by more than six-to-one, according to Bloomberg. That means that reporters’ inboxes are overflowing with pitches… and many of those end up in the trash. Learning how to write a creative, solid pitch that resonates with and stands out to a journalist is a craft that people who work in PR learn and perfect as they go along.

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Client Spotlight: The Children’s Inn at NIH

Children who reside at The Inn suffer from rare, often life-threatening illnesses. They come from all over the world to receive care and participate in life-saving medical research at the NIH. While undergoing treatment at the NIH, The Inn serves as an environment where children can be children, not patients. The Inn was also designed as a place of normalcy for families trying to balance work, travel, and other burdens. The Inn provides meals, a place to sleep, entertainment, and other home-like amenities and comforts -- all at no cost to children and their families. 

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Are You Quotable?

What do William Shakespeare, Thomas Jefferson, and Elvis Presley have in common? Their words break free from the shackles of time. While PR professionals may not be speaking about rock & roll, making your words memorable is an essential skill in the communications industry.   

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Using Influencer Marketing for B2B

The world has become an increasingly digital place and brands are in constant competition to execute the most effective and engaging social media strategy. There are many tactics to connect consumers to their favorite brands, but marketing for B2B industries requires a different strategy. For companies promoting business-to-business services, future success and growth depend on methods and messaging that shatter stereotypes, gain attention, and prove capability in a highly-competitive market.

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