Employee Spotlight: Claudia Raffman


Claudia Raffman is Vice President of Government Accounts at Sage Communications.

What are your duties in a typical day here at Sage?

I principally work on new business development and contract management for Sage. I also administer our GSA Schedule and Virginia Small, Women-owned, and Minority-owned Business (SWaM) contracts. I do all the detail-oriented, nitty-gritty tasks that make most people cringe. I also LOVE complex Excel pivot tables. As you can guess, I’m a complete geek.

What is the most exciting thing you’re working on right now?

The CMS re-compete. It’s Sage’s largest government sector client. As part of this effort, Susan and I (with Kelley’s awesome proofreading skills) accomplished a huge feat and pulled together an application for GSA MOBIS SIN 874-1: Integrated Consulting Services in just four business days. The context for this was that Sage became aware that the CMS re-compete would be issued only under SIN 874-1 as a small business set aside. So, obtaining the MOBIS SIN was imperative to respond to the re-compete. Normally, these applications take 1–2 months to put together. When I spoke with our GSA contracting officer, he encouraged me to submit an application as soon as possible. In response, GSA would review our application quickly. From start to finish, it took three weeks for Sage to receive the award. This opens HUGE growth opportunities as a Prime contractor or subcontractor, especially in the federal healthcare and technology sectors.

Who inspires you?

It’s a tie between my dad (who passed away last August) and my grandmother.

·       My dad (Larry Chanzit) designed military defense systems for a major defense contractor. Among his responsibilities were to write government proposals…. He was one of the smartest men on the planet. More importantly, he had had strengths that allowed him to make the best of anything that life threw at him. They were: Love, Honor, Determination, Commitment, and Humility. I do my best to emulate him.

·       My grandmother (Fanny Silverman) immigrated to the US from Romania when she was just 16 years old — and never saw her parents again. She and my grandfather were custom tailors. They build a life here. They survived the Depression, but they lost their home. They lost a son in World War II. But throughout their hardships, they never lost their dignity. When the time came, Fanny researched old age homes, filled out and submitted applications. She never wanted to be a burden to anyone. If I ever even think I have challenges in my life….

What quote do you live by?

The Golden Rule, “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.”

Where is your favorite place to travel?

Asia. I’ve been to Vietnam, Hong Kong, Mainland China and Tibet.  I also really loved traveling to Israel last November too.

What are three things still left on your bucket list?

·       Deadlifting more than 260 lbs., bench pressing more than 125lbs. (Working on it.)

·       Going on an African Safari (This item will be crossed off in September.)

·       Traveling more in the southern hemisphere: Patagonia, Cambodia, Japan, Australia/New Zealand, and Antarctica

What is the most important lesson you’ve learned while at Sage?

I’ve worked at Sage for a long time; but the thing that strikes me the most is that I work with a group of really talented, smart and dedicated colleagues. Finding ways to use our collective strengths so that we all shine is key for our work to be successful.