Employee Spotlight: Stephanie Trager

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Stephanie Trager is a Senior Account Executive at Sage Communications. A graduate of Virginia Tech, Stephanie supports a number of Sage's clients through strategic account management and execution.

What are your duties in a typical day here at Sage?
Every day at Sage is different, which I love. As an account person, I work with a variety of unique clients from nonprofit arts to government, and whose needs vary from website development, messaging, logo and brand collateral, to video production, print and digital ads, email marketing, social media management, festival and conference signage, etc. I am our clients’ brand ambassador – it is my job to make sure our agency’s internal teams (i.e. creative, interactive, copy, media, strategy and PR) not only understand the project, but more importantly understand how it connects with our clients’ brands and the bigger picture.

What is the most exciting thing you’re working on right now?
An annual report with a magnetized, blank front cover. The piece will also come with a sheet of magnets specific to the brand, empowering our client’s stakeholders to create their own stories.

Who inspires you?
Inspiration follows me everywhere. I get it from my family, friends, coworkers and even from music.

What quote do you live by?
“Beauty begins the moment you decide to be yourself.” – Coco Chanel

Where is your favorite place to travel?
Twenty minutes from where I live: the barn to see my horse. I’ve ridden horses all my life, and nothing beats the moment you get into the saddle, clear your head and think of only the ride ahead of you.

What are three things still left on your bucket list?
1.) Go on a whale watch
2.) Visit Greece
3.) Ride in a hot air balloon

What is the most important lesson you’ve learned while at Sage?
Never settle for the “safe” idea. Always push the envelope if it makes sense for the client.