Find Your Kindness - National Kindness Day

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Did you know that your ability to exude kindness is actually wired into your DNA? But while kindness may come easier for some than others, it’s a trait we can all practice. While nearly everyone would say that they are a kind person, making it a habit to practice acts of kindness on a consistent basis is important. Practicing kindness helps build community, encourages inclusivity and exemplifies how we want others to treat us. Like the old saying goes, “treat others the way you want to be treated.”

A small act of kindness goes a long way. Oftentimes we don't know the burdens others are carrying with them. Small acts of genuine kindness, like holding open a door, helping someone carry their groceries across the street or saying thank you to someone who has made a difference in your life can show those around you that they are valued.

If you're not convinced by now, kindness is good for you too! Showing others kindness boosts serotonin and releases the hormone Oxycotin. That boost in serotonin helps to decrease anxiety while Oxycotin reduces inflammation and blood pressure, which protects the heart and increases longevity. That's a heartwarming sentiment for sure! 

25 acts of kindness to practice daily:

1.      Expect nothing in return.

2.      Spend time with elderly neighbors.

3.      Stop complaining.

4.      Tell someone that they look nice.

5.      Recycle.

6.      Encourage someone to pursue a dream.

7.      Say “Please” and “Thank You.”

8.      Hug someone.

9.      Say "I love you."

10.   Hold open a door

11.   Listen without interrupting.

12.   Be kind to yourself.

13.   Buy a cup of coffee for a stranger.

14.   Contribute when someone comes up short in the check-out line.

15.   Babysit for a friend or relative who needs some “me time.”

16.   Post positive notes on your colleague's desk.

17.   Call your parents just to say hi.

18.   Buy a small gift for someone. Just because.

19.   Smiles are irresistible. Don’t hesitate to smile warmly at friends, family, colleagues and even...strangers.

20.   On public transit, be the first to stand-up and let a weary traveler, pregnant woman or senior take rest.

21.   Help others find the positive.

22.   Think of the amazing people in your life. Take an hour to write those people a letter telling them why they’re awesome.

23.   Keep an extra umbrella at work, so you can lend it out when it rains.

24.   When people are gossiping about someone, be the person to chime in with something nice.

25.   Give someone the benefit of the doubt

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