USDA National Agricultural Research, Extension, Education, and Economics (NAREEE) Advisory Board

The NAREEE Advisory Board advises the Secretary of Agriculture and land-grant colleges/universities on top priorities for agricultural research, education, extension and economics. It contributes to related programs through broad stakeholder feedback, reports scientific findings and provides recommendations to the appropriate agricultural committees of the United States Congress. In February 2022, USDA announced a call for member nominations to the 2022 Board and its three Committees. While NAREEE kept open its official nomination period until Sept. 30, the goal was to get the bulk of the nominations in by July 29. Per the federal statute, the USDA expected to appoint or reappoint approximately 15 new Board and Committee members in October 2022. In addition, USDA issued a call for nominations for an additional Committee with a May 31 deadline, which necessitated a communications push in April-to mid-May.

NAREEE contracted Sage to amplify the call for nominations, highlighting the role Board and Committee members play, and communicating the impact the Board and Committees play; and attract nominations for individuals with knowledge and interest in animal and plant genetics, citrus industry opportunities and barriers (especially citrus diseases), pollinator health, and specialty crops.

Sage responded to this need by first expanding upon NAREEE’s existing brand and digital presence. We developed a suite of collateral to distribute amongst stakeholders, raising awareness of the Board and Committees, their missions, and achievements. Sage drafted content and designed creative for a series of one pagers and social media assets; audited landing pages on NAREEE’s website and streamlined the navigation; refreshed the design of those webpages; drafted content for press releases and pitched to media; managed partner outreach and communications; and developed a comprehensive strategy to amplify the call for nominations.

In a six-month period, Sage engaged with 40 partner and media organizations on behalf of NAREEE. Most of this pick-up came from seven organizations amongst national coalitions, associations and universities. More than half of the organizations amplified NAREEE’s message in at least two communication outlets.

Sage Communications